Friday, March 14, 2008

Day Tripping for Spring Break

QUARI. Tigua Indian, kwa-ri. Quari is a site of a 300+ years old spanish mission 10 mi NW of Mountainair, and about a 45 minutes drive from Albuquerque. The stone walls were over 60 ft high and 5 or 6 ft thick, but have crumbled to 20 ft in height. This was a Tiwa pueblo which was abandoned between 1671 and 1680 when the road to Salina was blocked by Apache Indians. Designated as a state monument in 1935, this site is one of three in the Mountainair area. The other two are Abo and Gran Quivira, both of which are about a 30 minute drive further south and west from Quari.


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