Wednesday, April 2, 2008

"Urban Environmental Monitoring: 100 Cities," by Dr. Elizabeth Wentz from Arizona State University.

You are invited to a talk entitled "Urban Environmental Monitoring: 100 Cities," by Dr. Elizabeth Wentz from Arizona State University.
This is the second in the Geography Spring 2008 Lecture Series.
It will be held this Friday, April 4th from 5-6 pm in Bandelier Hall West, Room 105.

The Urban Environmental Monitoring (UEM) project, also known as the 100 Cities Project (, is a baseline effort to collect and analyze remotely sensed data for 100 urban centers worldwide. Our overarching goal is to use remote sensing technology to better understand the consequences of rapid urbanization through advanced biophysical measurements, classification methods, and modeling, which can then be used to inform public policy and planning. This lecture represents an overview of progress to date and future plans. Specific attention is given to research on Delhi, India and Phoenix, Arizona.

The talk is free and open to the public.

Hope to see you there,

Jazmin Knight
Department of Geography
Phone: 1-505-277-5041
FAX: 1-505-277-3614


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