Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Mexico Forestry and Climate Change Workshop

New Mexico Forestry and Climate Change Workshop

New Mexico Forestry and Climate Change Workshop
November 20, 2008, 8:15 am—5:00 pm
Albuquerque Grand Hotel
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Workshop Goal

The goal of the workshop is to provide foresters and other natural resource professionals with information about climate change's projected impacts on New Mexico's forests to incorporate into their management decision making. Forest managers, researchers, landowners, students, activists, and the general public are encouraged to attend.

Working Group Approach

We’ve organized four working groups, each comprised of researchers and forest managers focusing on one of New Mexico’s dominant forest types (bosque, piƱon-juniper, ponderosa pine, and mixed conifer/aspen). Leading up to the workshop, each working group will develop a 45-50 minute presentation about the projected impacts of climate change on their assigned forest type, including practical on-the-ground knowledge and management considerations for use by resource managers. The presentations will occur sequentially, with each followed by 30 minutes for open discussion, so all workshop attendees can participate in all sessions. The workshop will also include a plenary overview session about climate change and New Mexico's forests.

Workshop Registration

Registration for the daylong event will cost $40 before October 15 ($45 after October 15) and includes a luncheon with a guest speaker(s), morning and afternoon coffee breaks/refreshments, and a conference packet. Click here to register.

For more information about this workshop, please contact:

Howard Gross
The Forest Guild
505-983-8992, x42
howard@forestguild.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Ken Smith
New Mexico Forestry & Watershed Restoration Institute, NM Highlands University
kensmith@nmhu.eduThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Funding for the New Mexico Forestry and Climate Change Workshop is provided by the Biophilia Foundation, Thaw Charitable Trust, New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute, US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, US Forest Service Region 3, the Bureau of Land Management New Mexico State Office, and Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation.


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